3001 Advantage Way, Sacramento, CA
Homewood Suites
As experts in the industry Blackstone is providing Homewood Suites a skillful team to repair construction defects. This ongoing project consisted of water leakage that resulted in extensive damage to the building. Acting swiftly to prevent further damage from occurring, the Blackstone team identified the root of the problem and began repairing and upgrading. While working with the Homewood Suites Blackstone made an active effort to ensure minimal impact on current guests and employees by supporting Homewood Suites to continue daily operations. Proudly offering nothing but the best, Blackstone will provide Homewood Suites with quality repairs that will last.
Completion DateOngoing
Size3-Story Hotel
LocationSacramento, CA
HighlightsDrywall and Wallpaper Repairs
The Repairs
New Windows & Interior Repairs of Drywall and Wallpaper
Drywall and Wallpaper Repairs
This project consisted of drywall and wallpaper repairs in the guest suites as a result of foundation issues at the hotel. Blackstone is currently fixing the damage, in each of the rooms required, and the root of the issue is being corrected to ensure no future issues will arise. The client is extremely satisfied with Blackstone’s ability to meet their schedule and budgetary obligations while allowing them to stay open to service guests and maintain consistent revenue.